Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Karen Burniston New Release Day 2 - Fence Add-on

This new release from Karen Burniston includes two add-on sets to be used with the Landscape Rectangle Accordion set.  There is a Fence Add-on and a Cupcake Add-on.  Today's cards are made with the Fence Add-on.   

My first card is a three-panel one, with two fence features and one original panel.  The small flowers are included in the Fence Add-on, and the vines are from the Monkey and Lion set.

Here is a close-up, showing how the fence is added to the original panel.  After cutting the Landscape Rectangle panel, the ends of the inner panel are removed and the fence is glued onto the remaining pivot strip of cardstock.

During a discussion with the Design Team, Karen Burniston mentioned an alternate way of using this Fence Add-on -- half fence/half original panel.  So I decided to give it a try.  Here is the result.

As you can see, only the center section of the card contains the Fence Add-on.  The outer halves of the inner panels are from the original die-cut.  The flowers on this card are from another new set, Fun Flowers.

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